Saturday, December 11, 2010


Giant toad (size of a brick) on a night hike


Seen on a night hike, tarantula on a tree, contrary to
popular beliefs they are not that dangerous.

These are everywhere:

Bird eating spider on the forest floor on a night hike:


Maps of Iquitos, Loretto, Peru

Google map of Hotel Victoria Regia, in Iquitos, Peru
Google maps of Muyuna lodge, south of Iquitos

Hotel-Victoria-Regia--Iquitos lat,long=-3.753307,-73.246880

Muyuna-Lodge lat,long=-4.301222,-73.282928

Hoatzin-Prehistoric-birds lat,long=-4.265445,-73.310905

Birders-lake lat,long=-4.270409,-73.299927

San-Juan-Village lat,long=-4.312006,-73.293739

Coordinates from Garmin 60CSX